Hi Everyone
Well I've been busy the last few days. What with sorting the garden with the wife... How I hate trimming the conifer hedge... though I do get to play with my own chainsword (hedge trimmer).
I've also managed to get some painting time in as well. The first squad of vets (using lascutters as meltas) is very nearly done, just need to finish visors, the lens on las cutters helmets, weapons and go in with some devlan mud and badab black for some shading.
Squad 3 (Shotgun vets) are also nearly completed... though I still need to buy some more resin crack to complete the squad (3 meltas and a single cadian FW shotgun vet. Similar items to get these guys finished painting wise.
After these it's onto squad 2, I missed these and went straight to Squad 3 as I fancied a lasgun break :)
I also managed to do some more valkyrie building done. I got Valk 3 & 4 done, they just need some sanding of mold lines on the wing tip jets before they receive a blast of grey primer. I plan to get these two primed and then have a big airbrush and weathering session in between squad 2 and squad 4.
I've also, as you may see from the header made myself a new title banner. I think I'll change it again down the line but it was the first effort and we've all got to start from something so that we can improve upon.
Anyways. I'll get some pictures once these two squads are completed.