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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Busy as ever...

So busy, I've not posted on here for ages... is that busy... or just lazy? The latter I feel.

Well to a degree, I have been up to a few things... one of them being helping fellow blogger, gamer and mate Dezartfox set up a new website called The Sin of Damnation. Which can found here.

In addition to this I have finally been working on the air cav. I've been painting the first ten man vet squad and I've really enjoyed it. It has taken me ages to actually get myself to start... but once I have I don't really want to stop. This first squad is armed with 3 meltas and upgraded to demolitions. For the meltas (within this squad I'm using the Elysian Lascutters), I know when I get to tourneys I may get some stick as the rest of the force will be using standard looking meltas. I just thought the lascutters looked so cool that it would have been rude not to use them.

I've also devised myself my 1000pts list. This is my first target for painting too... It then means I can actually start playing sooner rather than later.

1000pts air cav option 1

Command squad 70pts

Guardsman Marbo 65pts

Vet squad 115pts
3xmelta, demolitions

Vet squad 115pts
3xmelta, demolitions

Vet squad 115pts
3xmelta, demolitions

2x Valkyrie 260pts

1x Vendetta 130pts

1x Vendetta 130pts

Marbo won't be in my 1500pts force (I'm aiming to attend the Throne of Skulls tournament in November), but I think at this size of game he will really add a nice little distraction. Seeing as most of my force have demolitions, he won't add much in the way of tank distruction, but he may jut make any back row objective campers think twice.

Pics will come shortly... I promise,..